LM807: Linux driver installation and compilation

This article will guide you through compiling and installing the Linux drivers for the LM807 wireless adapter which contains the Realtek RTL8192DU IC.

Obtaining the drivers

There are two sets of drivers available for the RTL8192DU IC. These include the official Realtek release and a public source code repository maintained by Larry Finger.

Official Realtek driver release

These can be downloaded from here and here. They only support the following Kernel versions: 2.6.18~2.6.38, 3.0.2 and Android 1.6~2.3 and 4.0

Github drivers

The rlt8192du only drivers can be downloaded from here either using Git or you can just download a zip file with the repository in it. Note that there are two branches for the driver; if you encounter problems with the master branch, then you may wish to try the one called ‘kernel_version’.

Compilation & Installation

Official drivers

The official drivers include detailed instructions on compilation and installation in documents/Quick_start_guide_for_driver_compilation_and_installation.pdf.

Github drivers

In most cases running the following commands from the directory containing the Makefile should suffice:

sudo make install
sudo depmod -A
sudo modprobe 8192du

If you need to do something more advanced, such as cross compiling, then refer to the Makefile and the official Realtek documention. However when using the official documentation as a guide, bear in mind that the compilation process has been simplified in the community maintained version of the drivers, so some of the official documentation is no longer relevant.

Configuring the wireless interface

This is distribution specific and in a lot of cases will be handled by a graphical utility which runs as part of the desktop environment. If there is no desktop environment running then things can be a bit more complicated. In this case we recommend referring to the Arch Linux Wiki page on wireless configuration which is very comprehensive, but may contain references to commands which don’t exist on other Linux distributions.