LM961: Power Consumption Reference

Tests were conducted using Firmware SPPC_0109. Further testing is planned including more parameters (as of September 2018).


  1. Module as Slave/Master, DCOV=ON = 26mA.
  2. Module as Slave/Master, DCOV=OFF=8mA.


  1. Module connected to remote device (Master/Slave) = Connected, no data transmission = 11mA.
  2. Module connected to remote device (Master/Slave) = Connected, data transmission Transmit/Receive = 16mA. This current may vary on the distance between two devices.


We observe a rise in the current while establishing SPP connection where current rises to 30 mA, after the connection is established the current is 11mA.


  1. Module SPP Role Master/Slave, DCOV=ON, ENBGAP=ON  Current=26mA
  2. Module SPP Role Master/Slave, DCOV=OFF, ENBGAP=ON  Current=8mA
  3. Module SPP Role Master/Slave, DCOV=OFF, ENBGAP=ON, LE connected,   Current=9mA

LM961: Using Bluetooth Terminal applications

The LM961 pairs with my Android phone in SPP mode but doesn’t connect?

The LM961/LM074/LM068 will only connect to SPP profile devices.

You will need to install a BT-serial terminal app on your mobile handset, then try connecting to the app.


I have installed a BT-serial terminal app but the LM961 still doesn’t connect?

After you install the BT Serial Terminal app on your phone, you will need to complete the pairing-procedure to the LM961 with your handset using “Settings>>Bluetooth” on your handset.

Then open the terminal app and the devices menu should list the paired devices, then you can initiate the connection from app.

LM961: No response from AT Commands

Connection has been established but no response from AT Commands


Power the Board using a Micro-USB cable and connect the Serial converter externally.
Use the serial settings 19200-8-N-1 with Flow-Control-OFF. EOL as CrLf.

No response from AT Commands

Please ensure that your TX-RX lines are connected correctly.

At power-on OR after pressing RESET switch on LM551 board (Reset Module / S3), the LM961 sends a power on message on the Serial terminal “SPP+GapCentral_Message_Loop”/”Entering in MessageLoop” depending on the current firmware.

Make sure the EOL setting on Hercules is CrLf before issuing an AT command.

If you were not receiving Power On message before that should be the Tx-Rx connection error.

EOL setting is for issuing AT commands. Refer to the screenshots below for settings in Hercules.