LM930/931: Connection troubleshooting

If you are experiencing connection issues, check if the UART settings are correct.

The UART settings are fixed as the following:

When using a BLE app to scan for the Serial Server application you must enable the “notification flag” to receive the data from the module.


LM930/931: Where to find the source code

The source code is supplied with the purchase of the LM53X development kit. The CSR uEnergy SDK is required to compile and load the source code.

A link to the LM53X product page can be found here.

For further support regarding BLE development please contact LM here.

LM930/ LM931: Flashing Application on Windows Commmand Line User Guide


This user guide explains how to flash LM demo applications on the Windows command line to the EEPROM of a LM930/ LM931 (using the LM53X development kit).


Flashing Application Firmware to the LM930/ LM931

All demo applications provided by LM are compiled and the resulting image is ready to be flashed into the LM93X module EEPROM memory. This is interfaced with the MCU through the I2C bus.

Execute the following steps to flash the demo application image to the LM93X memory using the command line, without opening the IDE program:

1/ Download the required LM demo application zip provided e.g. LM93X_SOFT_IBEACON_V1.1. (This includes the source files (.c, .h etc.), the SDK project files and the EEPROM image (.img).

2/ Check that the demo image is present in the demo application folder, for example: LM93X_iBeacon_v1.1\eeprom_image\LM93X_iBeacon_v1.1.img

And copy the image to your development folder.

3/ Open a windows terminal and then change the directory to the uEnergy SDK folder path such as the following:


4/ Run the following command:

e2cmd.exe download [demo_application_folder_path]\image_filename.img

for example:

e2cmd.exe download C:\Users\Marco\Documents\Projects\Images\LM93X_iBeacon_v1.1.img

An output displayed below should appear:


5/ In order to verify the download run the following command:

e2cmd.exe verify [demo_application_folder_path]\image_filename.img

for example:

e2cmd.exe verify C:\Users\Marco\Documents\Projects\Images\LM93X_iBeacon_v1.1.img

An output displayed below should appear:


Note 1: step 5 is not mandatory.

Note 2: for information about the e2cmd.exe command run e2cmd.exe –help.